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(100 AG) A Long Forgotten Peace - Within many cities, scattered all over, different races commingled in peace and prosperity. The great Elves, the stalwart Dwarves, the resilient Humans, all manner of species; cohabited and combined their knowledge to bring about the next age of discovery and wonder. Religion was left to the Elders and old gods; modern society ruled by science and reason.


​(786 AG) The Cursed King - In the Grand City of Edinburgh, King Alba XIV grew suddenly ill from an unknown disease and died shortly after. Upon examination of His Royal Highness, an affliction of the Dark Arts was discovered. While the King possessed no Gift, his trusted physician was an accomplished Healer, and was questioned extensively upon his passing. A trial commenced swiftly

​(790 AG) The Order of Silence - In the wake of this tragedy a secret society was created in order to preserve the bloodline of the Royal Family by any means necessary. Thus, the Order of Silence was created and began hunting all who had been involved in the king’s murder. Many witches burned and valuable information was procured. This knowledge was sealed away by the order and magic was banned in the kingdom of Alba.


​(800 AG) The Would-be Prince - It was Alba the XIV’s son, Prince Fenris, who would take the throne on his 18th birthday. As his first act as Grand Patriarch he inserted the Order of Silence into parliament to be his eyes and ears in the kingdom. Paranoid by his father’s curse he called upon the great heroes of Grimm for a grand tournament. His goal was to find seven of the greatest champions for his dangerous venture.


​(802 AG) The Answered Call - Out of thousands of warriors, mages, wizards and thieves; seven Great Heroes emerged worthy of the young king’s dangerous task. They would be sent forth on a ten year journey to find the secret to immortality so that the royal family and its bloodline would never again fear an attack by mortal hand or immortal scythe.

​(811 AG) The First Chalice - Amongst the deepest of dungeons the heroes found what seemed like an answer too good to be true. However, 10 years was almost upon them and their King was soon to wed and grew tired of the lack of results. They were desperate and loyal to the crown. It was a simple chalice that history seemed to have forgotten, maybe for good reason. It was amongst a hoard that one of Alba’s greatest wizards had hidden and was guarded by a fierce golden dragon. The battle almost cost them their lives but in the end they were victorious. The only way to be sure that their treasure would indeed be the key to immortality was to test it out on each other. If they brought false hope to the foot of the throne, their lives would be forfeit anyway. So they drank from the chalice and their wounds were healed. It was indeed a miracle and also a ticket to a better life.

(811 AG) Ambershard Mine - Meanwhile, back in the kingdom of Alba… One unlucky dwarf had stumbled upon a secret opening deep within a forgotten tunnel in Ambershard Mine. A cursed chest he found that had been buried long before history could remember why. The greedy dwarf opened the Pandora’s box only to find a rusty chalice of little worth. He reported the find to his fellow miners and yet they all longed to have the worthless prize for themselves. It had been the dwarves’ tireless search for wealth that would bring about a chain of events that would lead to only bloodshed and brutal war. Even the very ground under our feet would crack and the sky would turn red before this blight on our history would end.


(811 AG) The Aftermath and The Second Chalice - Several days after the miner had discovered the accursed treasure a messenger had been sent to Ambershard Mine for an update on their progress. The messenger had found no one at the Mine’s entrance so he went in to investigate. There was but one blood soaked dwarf sitting on a pile of sinew and bone, grasping the rusty chalice in his hands. His skin had the appearance of stone carved with blue runes glowing eerily in the poorly lit cavern. The Order of Silence confiscated the relic and placed the dwarf in special custody to be studied for the good of the kingdom. The incident was covered up and  the mine was reopened several days later.


​(812 AG) The Beginning of The End - The heroes were met with a triumphant return and they were graciously escorted to the Palace. As they presented their treasure to the king the hope of a better tomorrow was drained from their eyes as the second chalice was revealed to them by a member of The Order of Silence. They had been betrayed and were merely pawns meant to acquire the first chalice then to be martyred. The heroes were taken from the city in the middle of the night. Bound, gagged, and weighted, they were thrown into the ocean as their silence was ensured at the bottom of a watery grave. The next day The Order of Silence would begin experimentation on not one but two of the unknown chalices of power.


(812 AG) A World Crisis - Somehow the news spread quickly of the events that had transpired at Ambershard Mine. An official investigation was conducted by Parliament without the king’s consent. The investigation had concluded that the chalice of ill repute had been the cause of the madness that the miners had suffered from and the strange cosmetic affliction that befell the lone survivor. Parliament met and decided to destroy the chalice but to no avail. So it was tasked that it be locked away from the world under the protection of the Order of Silence as per request of King Fenris.

(813 AG) The Great War - A year had not even passed before sightings of other chalices were discovered across many different continents. The Order of Silence had immediately sent spies to the different kingdoms to acquire and safeguard the unholy artifacts before more blood had been spilled. Futile were their efforts and swift did the plague of greed sweep over the land. The spies’ heads were returned to the Order and war had been simultaneously declared by all of the Great Nations.

​(1813 AG) The Thousand Year War - When the dust settled, a thousand years had passed and all but two cities had survived. Each city had acquired an equal share of the accursed chalices. Only through sacrifice and tireless safeguarding did the victors seal away all of the accursed artifacts, never to be seen or heard from again, forgotten to history. The Order of Silence was disbanded and disavowed. All of its members were put to death or imprisoned for life in order to erase any trace of the tragedy that had befallen our fragile world.

(1820 AG) The Patriarchs - The two cities that survived the war had begun to rebuild the world brick by brick. They would eventually be called The Great Patriarchs. So named for their parental guidance and order maintained throughout the realm. An uneasy alliance was formed and a small council once again filled the parliament building. The building was  renamed “The Hall of Silence” so as to stand as a reminder to never again fall prey to the ignorance of the past.​


(1920 AG) The Scars of War - 100 years slipped by since the Great War ended. Trade and commerce flourished between the Great Patriarchs. New roads had been built and shipping lanes were no longer berated by pirates looking for an easy score. Everyone was happy again and the scars of war were but a distant memory.


(1950 AG) Uneasy Rest - Edinburgh has been viciously attacked by an unknown assailant. The Royal Family has enacted a state of emergency thus reviving an old law which allows the throne to control the affairs of Parliament. King Fenris has grown sick in his old age and in his stead a steward has been named his second. This steward has begun the process of bringing back into power the Order of Silence and is but days away from succeeding. With many supporters in Parliament and any named a traitor and hung the next day; no one dare oppose the bill.​

(1952 AG) The Dark Tower - The Dark Tower of legend appeared in the sky above the continent of Hel. After a massive battle to thwart the invading forces of darkness the mighty tower fell. 

(1952 AG) The End of a Monarchy - King Fenris has met an untimely death, leaving the throne of Alba absent for the first time in over 1,000 years. There are only two Lords who may lay claim to the throne and neither one will let the other take it without bloodshed.

(1955 AG) The War of The Wolves - Political turmoil boiled over into a 5 year war that split the Kingdom of Edinburgh in two. An unlikely band of heroes barely out the Royal academy were the 

heroes are in dark tower fighting legions of demons. red and black wolf takre that as opp to vie for throne. king is weak and old. civil war. many battles, thousands dead. unknown paladin casts a mighty spell and the god once known as OAA disappears from the world. paladin becomes the lone wanderer, sword and armor, able to walk away. in aftermath of fall of DT, heroes disappear, peace returns, wolf accord enacted - rule jointly.


current: 20 years since appearance and fall of DT. wolves rule. uneasy rule - sons of the wolves now rule together. don't trust each other. outside pressure from country of fenrir to sign another world accord, which will create a second WC. Edinburgh sees no need for it, but there is a parliament.  attitude in E is science always and semi-xenophobic because they don't understand the point of their religion. [war of wolves 2 electric boogaloo]

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