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(13 Before Gods) In the Beginning - Seven Original races lived on the face of Grimm: Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Beastkin, Giants, Goblins, and Humans. Within the World Council, the ruler of each race represented the interests of their people, and ensured that peace among all would continue indefinitely. This too was the time of The One Above All, The Great One, an all-knowing immortal being said to have created the world of Grimm. Serving the Great One was His host of Angels, charged with providing benevolent guidance to the mortal races. And so peace reigned: what He hath joined together let no Mortal tear asunder.

But Grimm was home to more than just Mortals, and so was subject to the whims of those beyond them. Those with Power sought to move and Create for themselves, and such a desire crept upward to even the Highest. Within the ranks of His Angels, anarchists wielded blindness and deception, and thus seven Angels Turned and Fell, birthing a new, unholy legion. What purpose did these Mortals serve; what benefit did they offer the Angels? And so they set off on a mission of corruption, driven to insult and undo the Great One's creation. We seek to scar the Face of God!, they cried. What hath He created?

(20 BG) Pity - His Angels, in their benevolence, pitied the mortal races, for they had no way to commune with the One Above All themselves. And so they gave the World Council a Chalice for each of the seven races. These Chalices, when drank from, created a divine connection between the Great One and the drinker. True Holiness, They knew, would take time and dedication, and thus a Blessing was bestowed upon each to drink from the Chalice - vitality and longevity, enough to truly understand His Will. In the ultimate demonstration of love for the One Above All, the World Council drank altogether from their Chalices, and knew divinity.

(25 BG) Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely - Little did the Angels know that the power bequeathed to the mortal races would also be their downfall. For the mortals began to whisper among themselves: “Why must I commune with the Great One if I could be my own God?” And just as His Highest could hear mortal prayers, so too could the Unholy Legion, whom the common now called Demons, or Lords of Sin. And none heard more unrest than the oldest, most cataclysmic of those Demons, he who was called Legion. Concealing heinous plans, Legion did appear before each Chalice-bearer of the World Council, each previously unshakeable in their faith, and persuaded them to hear his proposal of apotheosis for all races. All seven rulers allowed their Chalices to be altered, creating a new order for themselves, the first to drink: that they had become a God. The greatest consequence would yet be known: receiving the power of the Chalice eventually transformed each member of the World Council into a manifestation of their greatest sin  

(0 After Gods) An Era of New Gods - Each of the seven new Gods built a pantheon of their closest advisers and continued to rule their people for many generations. Historical records faded with the sands of time. 

(1952 AG) A New Herald - Legend speaks of a Grey Wanderer who survived the destruction of The Dark Tower. It is rumored that he is the Herald of the Architect and has been tasked with the responsibility of creating new Gods. No one has seen him since that fateful day. Only in whispers does one dare speak his name for fear of his holy retribution.

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